Conditions for nikah in Islam
Conditions for nikah in Islam

Conditions for Nikah in Islam

  1. Consent: (Ijab-O-Qubool) Both the bride and groom must give their free and clear consent for the marriage so forced marriage is invalid in Islam and consent is a primary pillar of conditions for nikah in Islam.
  2. Guardian’s Role: The bride’s Wali (Father/guardian) plays a crucial role in the Nikah process and is eminent for the validation of Nikkah in Islam.
  3. Witnesses: At least two adult sane male witnesses must validate the Nikah.
  4. Mahr: The groom must provide the agreed-upon Mahr to the bride at the time or later as promised. It shall not be confused with dowry. The minimum Mahr is about 10 dirhams or $30 in modern days.

Role of Wali as important condition for Nikah in Islam

Wali’s or guardian role is crucial in the pillars of the conditions of the nikah in Islam. Nowadays it is very lightly taken very easily young people say well we’re grown up enough to decide on our own and don’t need anyone to tell us what to do but it’s a matter of Deen, it is a matter of legal and illegal. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said in the sound hadith which is narrated by the mother of the believers Hazrat Aisha R.A,” There is no valid marriage without the agreement the consent of the guardian, and the presence of two just qualified witnesses.”

Witnesses must be honest and trustworthy because a marriage contract is a sacred contract and to secure the rights of all the witnesses must be honest. A woman may not give another woman in marriage nor even give herself in marriage she needs a guardian who would be her Wali for the Nikkah to be valid.

MAHR in Nikah

  • Mahr’s Significance in Islamic Marriage: Mahr, also known as “sadhukat,” is a mandatory marriage gift in Islam, confirming the validity of the marriage. It should not be confused with voluntary charity (sadaqa) or dowry.
  • Appropriate Mahr Selection: Mahr should be chosen thoughtfully, avoiding excessively high amounts that can cause undue stress on the husband and strain the marriage. It should be a fair and reasonable amount, not something trivial or insulting. Marriage shall be made easy so the minimum amount of Mahr in Islam is about 15gm of silver or $30. Islamic standards are designed to create ease for humans which have been wrongly modified.
  • Cultural Practices and Misunderstandings: In some cultures, there is a tendency to set exorbitant mahr amounts to reflect the bride’s value. This practice can lead to unrealistic expectations and tensions, as husbands may feel burdened or avoid paying it. Society has made marriage difficult by setting up examples like these particularly in the sub continent drawing large amounts of youth to haram relationships.
  • The Spirit of Giving Mahr: Mahr should be given willingly, quickly, and with love, without any ill feelings. Husbands should not try to negotiate down or delay payment once agreed upon. It is a testament to Love for the partner and holds significant value in Islamic marriage.


Which Nikah is Haram?

Tehleel marriage is haram when one marries with the intention of divorcing so later they could marry to original spouses.

Is verbal Nikah valid?

Verbal nikah is considered valid as long as all the essential criteria are fulfilled including Ijab o qubool, witnesses, Mahr, and consent of Wali.

Is Nikah fard or sunnah?

Nikah is the sunnah of the holy prophet(PBUH). Anyone able shall opt for nikah and protect himself from haram however if you can remain steadfast you can fast for as long as you can protect yourself from sin.

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