Top 5 Islamic Speakers of Pakistan:
1. Maulana Maududi
A man ahead of his times, who inspired the whole generation. Maulana Maududi was one of a kind. He ranks as the top Islamic scholar of the subcontinent of his times. Praised and encouraged by legends like Allama Iqbal himself, Maududi’s work for Islam is commendable. He wrote the famous tafseer Tafheem-UL-Quran that is regarded as the best tafseer of the holy Quran from the subcontinent, and many new-age scholars, like Sahil Adeem and Muhammad Ali Mirza, amongst others, recommend his book of tafseer for understanding the Quran. Amongst many other famous works is his Khilafat o Malookiyat, discussing another important debate in Islamic history. He is the founder of Dawat-e-Islami in Pakistan; however, he certainly didn’t project the current Dawat-e-Islami. He was sentenced multiple times by the government of Pakistan and was even given the death penalty by army courts, like any other true Islamic revolutionary would have received in the Pakistani environment, but due to public pressure, those were called off. Maulana inspired many young men who went on to serve Islam after his demise; he still remains a source of inspiration for Islamic students around the globe.
2. Maulana Ishaq
The gem of a scholar from Faisalabad who served Islam with utmost loyalty. Maulana Ishaq was a daredevil in public speaking and spoke the right with might. He did not credit Islam to one sect but debated on the most sensitive topics where many ulemas of his sect refrained from doing so. He was respected in both schools of thought, the Sunni and the Shi’ah, and believed that this division was merely a result of misunderstandings. His viewpoint of AHL E Bait in Islam and the events of Karbala are unmatched as he unveils reality with logic and tradition, which corrects the understandings of many confused Muslims of the subcontinent.
3. Dr. Israr Ahmed
One of the most loved scholars of Pakistan. The founder of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Dr. Israr, and his understanding of the Quran are commendable. His viewpoints are clear and referenced according to the Quran and hadith, with a firm stance on any Islamic issue, which makes him different from others. His ability to take criticism and respond with dignity describes his character. He even disagreed with his teacher, Maulana Maududi, and separated himself from his organization to create Tanzeem e Islami of his own but never spoke ill of Maulana Maududi and regarded him as his teacher. This is a lesson for all of us. After all these years, he still trends on YouTube, and his lectures are a source of inspiration and information for the youth.
4. Peer Naseer ud Din
The Peer of Golra Sharif, and as he says, I am the last of my kind. Peer Naseer ud din was an unorthodox Islamic scholar. He explained toheed, the oneness of ALLAH Almighty like no other, and discouraged the injected customs in Islam that were common in the subcontinent. He was a fierce speaker from the lineage of Sufis with education in Islam and world affairs, which reflected in his sermons. Despite being a Gadi Nasheen, he discouraged the public from bowing down on the grave of Sufis and encouraged them to build their own relationship with the Almighty. His teachings at the time were opposed by many. Till today, years after his death, his lectures and teachings are popular amongst youth due to his fierce speech and unmatched points of view.
5. Muhammad Ali Mirza
Only one alive in the current list. Muhammad Ali Mirza opposed the whole mafia that claimed to be the preacher of Islam in Pakistan. There can be a lot of debate on his style and criticism on the personalities, but the way he has guided confused youth towards true Islam and Islamic teachings is an achievement on its own. A government officer turned preacher inspired the youth through his humble lectures on YouTube, which by that time had become revolutionary amongst the young generation. His views align with those of all mentioned in this list, and opposition and criticism from the molvis of the time are something that are common amongst all these great speakers mentioned in the list. While the rest of the great personalities have departed, Muhammad Ali Mirza is still facing fierce backlash from the molvis of the current lot; however, his teachings and preaching are still popular because of his unbiased and logical representation of the truth.