Engineer Exposes Centuries-Old Sufi “Miracles”: The Muhammad Ali Mirza Story

Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza

Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza

Engineering the Myths

The bold statements on Sufi figures and saints with followings in millions made Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza, a top critic, rather an enemy of the leaders of different sects within Islam. In the subcontinent, the Sufi culture and myths associated with them are highly regarded; in fact, it is one of the most sensitive places in this regard in the whole world. The status of elders of the sects is elevated to unbelievable levels, and a proper system of heredity is in place for famous Sufi dynasties, where heirs from these lineages enjoy unbelievable privileges amongst power and money in their specific area of influence. Everyone has a story affiliated with their specific sects, mostly a miraculous one known as a “Karamat”. These Karamats have piled up over centuries and are a favorite topic to discuss in religious gatherings. From flying in the skies to walking on the seas, there is barely anything left that saints have not done over the years. Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza, like many other curious Muslims, had spent a lifetime observing the culture that neglects the real essence of religion and glorifies individuals popular in the subcontinent. Islam is a religion based on logic, rationale, and knowledge. Digging up into the stories, Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza declared them fraud and made them up to please the followers of the sects, as this is what people usually like to hear in the subcontinent. Most stories and myths circulating around directly attack the main pillars of Islam, like Tawheed and the status of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

The tone of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza has been somewhat strict with him, often quoting his strike quote,

“Mere Nabi sa hai hi koi nahi, Baabay te shay hi koi nahi.”

Meaning, there is no one like the prophet, and these saints and Sufis that you glorify are nothing against the status of the Holy Prophet. Muhammad Ali Mirza has taken the internet by storm with his stance not only on Sufis but also on the sensitive matters involving big sects within Islam. According to him, people have been derailed by some Sufis and mostly by the followers of different groups, and they preach a different Islam that is different from the ways of the Prophet.

Exposing Miracles: Exposed Sects

Muhammad Ali Mirza invited all kinds of trouble with his statements. Religious sentiments with regard to religious affiliations with sects and groups are really strong in Pakistan and particularly in the subcontinent. The matter is really sensitive, and criticizing any school of thought may require Z+ security to stay in the country of religious fanatics, and when you ruthlessly target centuries-old beliefs and Sufis, you are asking for death. The only thing that has kept Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza alive is God’s protection in the cover of his logical arguments that he derives from the most authentic sources of Islamic law and history. He is being abused by every sect and school of thought; even people have stormed outside his academy with weapons, but he takes the cover of law, which he has not offended as yet. More than 90% of his followers are those who were introduced to Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza after the criticism by their relative head of sect. He has created a following out of his opponents with logic and reason, something that has always been missing in sectarian Islam. The centuries-old miracles have turned to memes, and all the illogical stories are being hammered on social media. Well, it is definitely not out of Islam only, as we are a meme-loving nation, and we just got another topic. Nonetheless, the message delivered by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza was well received by the youth, making him popular and one of the most followed people on social media. The traditional Moulvis and heads of different schools of thought have, however, declared him an apostate and an infidel, something they have been excellent at for centuries.

Criticism And Threats

He invites critics from every religious group and supporters from none. The huge following he has created is from amongst the followers of these sects and mostly the people who do not believe in sects within Islam. The arguments of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza elevate his following in the youth that believe in more of a reason than stories. The golden age of Islam has long been over, and a lot of things went wrong in earlier generations. The traditional Islamic gatherings would glorify the saints and their miracles, while the state of Muslims remains miserable. Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza’s criticism harshly addresses the role of Sufi myths and culture in genuine Islamic practices that deviated the paths of Muslims. Where still, followers deny the absolutely proven laws of science on the basis of their centuries-old beliefs incorporated by the elders of their sects. All the devotees and saints that spread Islam across our region shall be respected, but in the process, the real spirit of Islam shall not be neglected, and the whole argument of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is based on this particular theory; however, his tone and strict remarks have triggered a large majority and have translated into serious threats to his life. One can criticize his strict tone and stance, but his strong arguments derived from authentic Islamic sources have kept him alive after all the points he triggered. His brave stance is regarded and appreciated by millions of his followers.

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