Petrol prices in Pakistan from 1st February 2025
The price of petroleum products has been increased from February 1st. The Ministry of Finance has issued a notification for an increase in the price of petroleum products. Petrol has been increased by 1 rupee per liter, and the new price of petrol has been fixed at 257.13 rupees per liter.
The price of diesel has been increased by approximately 7 rupees per liter, and the new price of diesel has been fixed at 267.95 per liter. It was being expected that the price of diesel would increase to 4 rupees per liter, but this is against expectations, and a new storm of inflation is expected The price hikes are from 12 o’clock tonight.
The prices of petrol are increasing steadily with the passage of time, and the upward trend continues, although 1 rupee won’t add much to inflation. Pakistanis have seen in these recent years, however, a surge in diesel prices is a worry because of its extensive industrial consumption.