TRUMP Guilty in hush money case
TRUMP Guilty in hush money case

Jury in New York convicted former president of US Donald Trump  on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Hush money being given to pornstar stormy daniels before 2016 election has been proved. Trump gave the sum of about $130,000 to the pornstar to keep their secret that could hurt his image in public. Trump became the first US president of achieving the feat of being convicted in felony. Although Trump has denied the allegation, rejected the decision and says he will appeal to the supreme court but it won’t be easy after the conviction and would have implication on his campaign.

Queries about the case

What is Hush money?

Hush money is offer made by a person or a party of money or other form of valuables in exchange for remaining silent over a controversy or hide secret that might effect the offering party in any way. In this case it refers to money arrangements made by Trump to silence the pornstar to keep up his repute.

Is Hush money Illegal?

It may or mat not be a crime depends upon the nature of the matter that is suppressed. Especially hiding a crime is illegal however in this particular matter was related to national interest and credibility of the candidate of the highest office that makes it illegal.

When will Trump go to jail?

Judge Juan has set Trump’s sentencing on July 11. For now, the Trump is out and is not bound for immediate jail term yet. however judgements in other cases and future developments could create difficult scenario for the former president of US.

Can Trump appeal his conviction in Hush money trial?

Shortly after Trump was convicted, he still remained firm on his stance even though documents and proves suggest otherwise. Trump can and has assured on the media to challenge the conviction in supreme court. With a strong legal team and Trump stubborn attitude it is assured that he will continue his legal battle and would definitely appeal his conviction.

Can Trump still run for the president?

No Law in US constitution holds back a convict from running for the highest office of president in the country. Even in the worst case scenario of jail Trump can still contest, however the damage to the repute and campaign would definitely hurt him.

Law professor Richard L. Hasen has consistently said.

“The Constitution contains only limited qualifications for running for office (being at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen, and at least 14 years a resident of the U.S.),” .

Will the conviction cost Trump his right to vote?

Trump is a Florida resident. When it comes to the Manhattan guilty verdict just rendered, Trump’s right to vote in Florida in November presidential election will depend on whether he is sentenced to a term in prison and if he has finished serving that prison sentence by the time of the election. Florida’s felon voting prohibitions apply to people with out-of-state convictions. However, if a Floridian’s conviction is out of state, Florida defers to that state’s laws for how felon can regain their voting rights. In short state laws will decide pertaining to future developments. Up until now Trump is good to contest and cast vote in the November’s election.

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