Pakistan in 2025
Pakistan in 2025

What do Astrologers say about 2025 for Pakistan? It seems that if the government will run only till August 2025, then we will have to go for new elections. The year 2025 is a very difficult year for the government, but there will be no elections in this year; there will be many difficulties. It is possible that the faces we are seeing at this time are looking very likely to change, but it will not happen that elections will be held in 2025 or elections will be announced. Such a situation is not visible from an astrological point of view; the reason for this is that on March 29, 2025, seven planets will gather at one place. There is an eclipse on that day, and this situation was exactly created on 19 December 2019 when COVID came and the whole world was shut down, so this position of the planets is becoming very bad. There can be some big stir in the Parliament House in the politics of Pakistan. Months from February to March can be very critical, but one thing will be good: now the economy of Pakistan will not face any problem whether anyone stays or not; the economy of Pakistan will grow, but changes can happen. The new elections are difficult but for this government, the new year
will not prove to be good; it will not prove to be good at all because now the time has come that the economy of Pakistan will grow Saturn, which is the ruling planet of Pakistan’s destiny, fate, growth, and betterment of the institution and career, has started Its 19-year round. Now Pakistan has to decide whom to take. The year 2025 should be of four personalities whose names start with Alif. Whose name starts with Lam, starts with Ain and starts with Meem. These four-letter people will be seen on top in 2025 and will be seen ruling as well.
If we talk about the public, that basically means what is good and what is bad for the government; it means exactly that that thing should be good or bad for the public in the same way, or if we do not agree with the government, then
2025 is not very good for the present government. Next year will be very important for the politics of Pakistan. We are not going in a definite new direction. The politics of Pakistan will move in a new direction, and the politics of Pakistan will be perhaps the darkest chapter of the politics of Pakistan for a very long time.
When you look at next year, you will notice that some such things will happen that it will be the darkest year for Pakistan after the revolution. But along with that, the three to five months that are unknown to some astrologers seem to be going in an unknown direction where no one will know what our direction is, what our loyalties are, which way we should go and which way we should not go. Slowly and gradually, we will move in an unknown direction. We are moving towards a new beginning, but the first two to three months will be of downfall, and that’s overall for everyone; it is not that one person will be growing and the other will be lagging behind.

People are getting separated in their parties, maybe loyalties have also changed, there can be isolation in the parties of people, sabotaging of some parties could also be seen according to some experts, it is like an unknown factor which will happen in three to five months, which is till May, after May and the economy of Pakistan which is predicted, in the next two to four months that it will be tough for the economy of Pakistan to survive in the next four months, but after the fifth month, Pakistan’s economy will come back in a big balance and this is after the fifth month, because, the effect of Jupiter on Neptune and Saturn will end, Jupiter’s effect will end, although Jupiter is at a very high level right now and is very positive on our stars, but there is still confusion due to Saturn and Neptune and in May, when these Saturn and Neptune will go away from Jupiter’s radar, then Jupiter will come back on its full radar. So it is predicted that, after the fifth month, be it Pakistan or Imran Khan’s star or any person, the rise or the positivity that is going to come.
The next three-four months are tough for Pakistan as well, tough for Pakistanis as well, tough for Imran Khan as well, and tough for this government as well, but elections are not a possibility. Let’s try to have elections next year. Let’s try to simplify it a little bit. When astrologers are saying that it is tough for Pakistanis, it is tough for political personalities, then it is tough for non-political personalities as well. It will be a battle of survival because loyalties will be questioned. No matter how much you convince someone externally that we are with you, but those who are internally The freshness of intentions will come that every person will say that I should save my life first, and those intentions that come from within that we all should not do anything first, whatever comes, it is okay, I just pray, and definitely the fate changes with prayers.

For Pakistan, most astrologers are in agreement on this thing that the coming year 2025 will not be so good for the government, it will not be good for the government, there will be stability in the country, there will be work, then it definitely does not suit, but on the other hand, this is also a problem in our country that our rulers do not relate directly to the people, they are disconnected, or when you see them in trouble, the people are happy. We also see that there is some problem, and now the current situation of social media and this has saved us from destruction, so next time you should also talk about the people, that the people of Pakistan that Pakistan will grow economically and flourish, then I think there will be improvement in the event, the fortunes of the people will also rise.

According to some astrologers, in 2025 we will sink in extreme misery; all the problems will increase; they do not see any good or any good decisions for the people from this simple reference; rather, they also see that there is a danger of more problems arising for them from the IMF. In any case, there is no hope of improvement in the current Shahbaz Sharif government or there will be prosperity for the people, rather in 2025 compared to 2023-24 There are immense difficulties for the people; there are problems, there are troubles, and its effects will affect us all beyond that, so from the point of view of some astrologers, they do not think that in 2025 this government will do any big feat or achieve any milestone.
There will be problems of leaving Pakistan and especially the currency against the dollar, and I think the way the stock exchange is on the rise right now, and we see it going towards decline after June. Rest, Allah is going to make things better. Through prayers, we can do this that we can ward off troubles, the way troubles are warded off by charity and prayers.

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